Can You Get All Ten Questions Correct in This U.S. States Trivia Quiz?

Can you guess all ten random facts correctly in this quick U.S. States Trivia quiz? You don’t have to be a genius, or even a history expert – all you need for this one is to know a few random things about a few random states….are you game?

1. Which of the following states is home to one of the world’s oldest living things, a 3,500 year old tree named General Sherman?
2. Built in 1683 by Swedish immigrants, the first log homes in North America are located in which state?
3. The world’s largest silver nugget, measuring a whopping 1,840 pounds, was found in 1894 in which of the following states?
4. Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America, was born in 1587 on Roanoake Island in what state?
5. Rainbow Bridge, the largest natural stone bridge in the world, measuring 290 feet high and 275 feet across, is located in which state?
6. The tallest building in the US is located in which state?
7. Battle Creek in this state produces the most cereal in the US, and bears the nickname "Cereal Bowl of America":
8. The first presidential inauguration took place in which state in 1789?
9. The “Register of the Desert,” a huge granite boulder covering 27 acres with 5,000 early pioneer names carved on it, is located in which US state?
10. Which state was home to the first-ever World Series back in 1903?