Do You Know Which Movies from the 2010’s Match Up With These Taglines?

We’ve gathered up some of the best taglines from movies that came out in the 2010’s, and chances are you’ve seen more than a few of these. You don’t need to be Einstein to do well on this quiz – you just need to be familiar with some Hollywood favorites of the last decade. So grab some popcorn and show off your movie knowledge with this quick 10-question quiz!

1. Which movie from 2016 features the tagline, "An Unforgettable Journey she probably won’t remember"?
2. Which 2018 movie had the tagline, "Where will you be, when it all ends?"
3. Which horror flick from 2017 featured the tagline, "Just because you are invited, doesn’t mean you’re welcome"?
4. Which of these movies from 2011 had the tagline, "A totally twisted deep-fried Texas redneck trailer park murder story"?
5. "Payback is a mother" was the tagline for which of these 2018 thrillers?
6. Which 2019 movie features the tagline, "Who will save you from yourself?"
7. Which of these movies from 2015 had the tagline, "Humanity’s last hope isn’t human"?
8. Which 2018 film had the tagline, "One way in. No way out."?
9. Which of these movies from 2014 featured the tagline, "There are no two words in the English language more harmful than 'good job'."?
10. "Don't believe the fairy tale" was the tagline for which of these 2014 films?