How Much Do You Really Know About Animals?

You may just consider yourself an animal expert, but this General Animal Knowledge quiz is harder than you may expect. These ten quick questions will put your animal knowledge to the test!

1. Which of the following animals eats about seven times its own weight each year?
2. When a female horse and male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and female donkey mate, the offspring is called what?
3. Which of the following is the only cat in the world that can't retract its claws?
4. A lion's roar HAS to be loud to ward off intruders or reunited scattered members of the pride, but exactly how far away can his roar be heard?
5. Which animal can last longer without water than a camel can?
6. The shortest gestation period for any animal is this critter's, which bears its young 12 to 13 days after conception:
7. What is the underside of a horse's hoof called?
8. Macaroni, Gentoo, and Chinstrap are all types of which animal?
9. Which of the following creatures all start out as males, yet some decide to become females at some point in their lives?
10. Of all known forms of animal life to ever inhabit the Earth, only about what percent still exist today?