Test Your WWII Knowledge With This World War Two History Quiz
Whether your interest in World War II is just casual, or you consider yourself a true history buff, this short ten-question quiz will help you determine exactly where you stand. Some of the war’s most important people and places are touched on here, so take a few moments to see how you measure up…
1. What was the name of the incident that led to the United States’ entry into WWII?

2. Who was the President of the United States when war was declared on Japan on December 8, 1941?

3. In 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany in direct response to the invasion of which country?

4. The valor of which group of pilots during WWII helped pave the way for racial integration of the Armed Forces after the war?

5. The failure of what offensive, launched by Hitler on June 22, 1941, into Soviet Territory, eventually forced Germany to fight a two-front war that it could not win?

6. Who was the emperor of Japan during WWII?

7. What battle, lasting from June 1944 to July 1944, resulted in the Allied liberation of Western Europe from Nazi Germany’s control?

8. The field marshal for the Afrika Korps was nicknamed the “Desert Fox”. His real name was:

9. On April 18, 1942, sixteen B-25 bombers launched from the carrier Hornet and bombed the Japanese capital of Tokyo and the city of Nagoya. This incident was called:

10. What was the code name given to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945?